Strengthening families following loss

A mother and her young family contacted local bereavement services for support following the death of her partner.

The children had received initial bereavement support soon after the partner's death, and the bereavement service referred their mother to us for adult bereavement support.

This is what the mother had to say about the bereavement support we offered:

"They [Woodside Bereavement Service] helped me in dealing with my different emotions and knowing the stages of grief that I would go through,because at the time this was all new to me and I didnt know how to cope.

It helped me in opening up about my feelings and I was never judged. 

It was explored in a safe confidential way. I was able to express my thoughts and feelings so I was able to find answers in how to deal with my feelings.

I was also given ideas on how to help my children." 

Her 12-year-old child said: 

"They [Woodside Bereavement Service] helped me express my feelings so that I had less to worry about.  

It made me happy to know that I was supported and that I was not alone. When I did activities they made me happy as I had something to smile about when I was finished.

 It felt like I was talking to my best friend, because I could tell her [the support worker] anything and she would understand every bit of what I was saying."

Her nine-year-old child said: 

"Bereavement support helped me not to worry about things, and also to remember that I was not always alone. I have always got someone special in my heart."